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a student practicing taking someone's blood pressure


Our four-year PharmD curriculum immerses you in six semesters of applied science and therapeutics courses and corresponding abilities labs to ensure that you are thoroughly prepared for advanced pharmacy practice experiences in the final year. During the final two semesters (fourth year) of the program, you’ll complete seven five-week rotations in areas such as health systems, acute care, ambulatory care, advance community, and patient care.

Electives are an important part of our curriculum, allowing students to focus their pharmacy education on a specific area of interest. We are a top-ranked program, have a strong commitment to direct patient care, and instill a strong sense of leadership in our students. Our faculty are involved in practice and research in a variety of areas.


Experiential learning instills the professional judgment and competencies needed to skillfully perform the functions and meet the responsibilities of a pharmacist in a wide range of practice environments. Experiential Learning at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy provides structured educational opportunities in actual practice settings, under the supervision of and interaction with qualified preceptors - practicing pharmacists and other professionals who volunteer their time to help apply the knowledge learned in the classroom to the real world. The School has more than 700 preceptors in sites such as community pharmacies, hospitals, nursing homes, government agencies, and pharmaceutical companies.


Students in the PharmD program at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy have the benefit of being able to tailor their PharmD training through unique electives that highlight various practice areas and provide cutting edge information to best prepare our students for practice and their future careers.

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